About Dr. Brown
Dr. Ken Brown received his medical degree from the University of Nebraska Medical School, and completed his fellowship in Gastroenterology in San Antonio Texas. He is a board certified
gastroenterologist and has been in practice for the past 15 years with a
clinical focus on inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel
For the last 10 years he has been conducting clinical research for various pharmacologic companies. During this time, he saw the unmet need for something natural that could help his IBS patients find real relief. After working on the development of Atrantil for over 6 years Atrantil launched in the summer of 2015. Dr. Brown and his research team developed Atrantil with the intent of helping those suffering from the symptoms of IBS which we now know are caused by bacterial overgrowth.
Learn More About Dr. Brown
For info on Atrantil lovemytummy.com
For info on Dr. Brown KBMD.com
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